365telugu.com,online news,14th Hyderabad,2021: Meet Shashidhar Gajjela, whoensures Air Force level safety is adhered to at Amazon India Afterserving the Indian Airforce for 20 years, (Retd) Junior Warrant OfficerShashidhar Gajjela maintains the same standards of disciple and safety in hissuccessful second career in Amazon India. Aveteran who took part in the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Congo, atthe Airforce it was Shashidhar’s responsibility to ensure all the planes in hissquadron were always ready. It is the same level of vigor and vigilance thathelped him smoothly transition to the corporate world as Amazon India’sWorkplace, Health and Safety Officer at its Hyderabad Fulfilment Centre. “Amazon’semphasis on safety process and its prioritization of employee’s healthresonated the values I had gained while I had served the Indian Airforce. Be itserving the Mi-25 Attack Helicopter or be it ensuring that everyone follows thesafety protocols, IAF and Amazon have been very similar in approach. No lapseswill be accommodated with utmost care for people.”, says Shashidhar. Shashidhar explains that his job involves raising awareness about thevarious safety protocols in place, motivating and ensuring that people adhereto the norms and making sure all activities are carried out hassle free from ahealth and safety aspect. Thecamaraderie shared by his colleagues at Amazon and the support of his managershas helped him smoothly switch careers. “I have always wanted to work withthe corporate world post-retirement, with Amazon, I am working with the best.We have ample opportunities to learn, grow and excel,” added Shashidhar. Shashidharis one among the hundreds of veterans working as a part of Amazon India’sOperations Network. Amazon India has created a wide range of opportunities forex-servicemen and women to help them build a fulfilling and successful careerafter serving the country. This includes a mix of Individual Contribution andmanagerial roles across its Fulfilment Network, Sort Centre Network, and LastMile. Thismove is also aligned with Amazon India’s ongoing efforts to make hiring diverseand inclusive. The company remains committed to hiring remarkable talent fromthe Army, Air Force, Navy, and Police families.