365telugu.com online news,Hyderabad, March 19th, 2022: shejobs.in, a job portal focused on increasing ‘high quality, high value’ employment opportunities for women was launched in India today. The portal focuses to help increase women in the workforce by giving them access to top job opportunities suiting their skills. SheJobs works towards bringing diversity to the organizations and helps provide equal opportunities to women in the jobs.

A division, of she-jobs.com, a prominent women-oriented job portal in the United States of America, can now be accessed at www.shejobs.in. By visiting the portal, women can register themselves and start accessing job opportunities suiting their skills and start applying for the same. The company also works closely with organizations in their diversity efforts. The company was started by Swathi Nelabhatla, a Telugu woman who is settled in America.

Commenting on the portal, Ms. Swati Nelabhatla, Founder, SheJobs.in said, “It was my dream that has come true! I always wanted to do something to increase women participation in the workforce and I could realize my dream when I launched she-jobs.com in the USA in 2020. We have been recognized as the Impact Company of the year 2022 for North America and I was chosen as Inspiring Women Leaders for 2021 by Women Magazine. Since the COVID pandemic has impacted the jobs of many women in India, we thought that this is the right time to launch the company in India and help women access job opportunities to restart their careers. Our company aims to bring women from different backgrounds closer to the job opportunities that suit them.”

It is usually women who take a break from work in the event of any emergency in the family. Whether it is for the children or when someone is unwell in the family or for any other reason. if women want to take a break from their job and rejoin, their chances are reduced. Women may lack the skills they want, or they may not have the right job. SheJobs.in partners with corporates in their return ship programs and upskill women with the required skills so that they prepare for the job and restart their careers.

SheJobs.in focuses on not just women who take a break from work but also on categories like freshers, women with disabilities, victims of domestic violence, women with special needs children and women who are survivors of dangerous diseases like cancer. The mission of this platform is to bring them all closer to job opportunities.

“What I have seen in the USA is that women take a break from their careers for a variety of reasons, and then it becomes very difficult for them to return to their jobs and, because of that, the number of women in leadership roles in any company is low. And then there is gender bias in most jobs. When I went to the US and was searching for a job personally, I encountered this situation and I realized that this situation is prevalent not only in the US but globally. It has always been on my mind to do something to increase job opportunities for women. She Jobs is born out of the strong desire to do something to increase women in the workforce. In recognition of our efforts, we have been recognized by leading companies in the United States such as Western Union, Ernst & Young, and CVS. We also work with various training institutes closely to upskill and improve the skills of women. Our goal is to eliminate gender discrimination and work towards equal employment opportunities for women in this 21st century,” concluded Ms. Swathi Nelabhatla.