365Telugu.com online news,July 15th,Hyderabad: Sitara Ghattamaneni, daughter of Superstar Mahesh Babu and Namrata, said that she spent her first salary for acting in a commercial for charity. Along with the launch of a PMJ Jewels ad in which she acted, she also launched a lookbook printed in her name at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Banjara Hills along with his mother Namrata Ghattameni.
She interacted with the media on this occasion. She said that she likes movies, and is very interested in acting in movies. She said that he learned a lot of confidence from her mother, how to talk to them and how to be easy with them.

His father Mahesh Babu was very happy to see the pictures and videos of his first ad PMJ Jewels on the world famous New York Times Square. And very Emotional when he saw the Add Video. Namrata Also said About son Gautham will enter films and she said that Gautham is currently interested in his studies and will enter films after six years.
The organizers said that this short film will be officially released on July 19, 2023. PMJ Jewels Principal Director, Designer Dinesh Jain, Director Rakshitha Jain, Nimesh, Seema, Shaurya and others participated in this program.