World-Brain-Day-22nd online news,National,July 21th, 2022:The past two years have been so harsh because of the COVID pandemic. The pandemic is almost over, but the impact the virus has had on the mental health of people is going to take a while to recover. World Brain Day 2022 has been dedicated towards each and everyone on this planet. On this eve, we wish everyone the pinkest of brain health!

Brain Health for All -Dr Abhinay M Huchche,Consultant Neurologist, SLG Hospitals, Hyderabad


A healthy brain is an indispensable and inseparable part of our lives. Brain diseases behave in a unique way, diagnosis is challenging and therapy usually is needed on a long term basis along with physical therapy and rehabilitation. Thus, Neurologists, Neurosurgeons and the team of doctors dealing with neurological disorders usually need to be patient and sensitive in their approach.

New cell growth after brain injury is a slow process resulting in the long time taken for recovery. The need for prevention thus forms a crucial role while dealing with the global burden of neurological disorders. Prevention is only possible if there is adequate awareness amongst the general public, thus educating people of all age groups on a regular basis should be undertaken by the Government Health Policies.


Rehabilitation  was a neglected field in Neurology which is now picking up pace off late, this is quite evident in the increasing numbers of rehabilitation centers across Hyderabad. Rehabilitation centres provide a homely environment wherein the caretakers can actively participate with the rehabilitation team hastening recovery. This is usually not possible during the acute critical phase of inhospital stay. The sad part is that Insurance companies do not cover for the expenses incurred during rehabilitation and are usually heavy on the pockets. This is one of the reasons why people from poor socioeconomic backgrounds usually do not have access to rehabilitation.


This World Brain Day is an attempt to raise awareness regarding brain health and simultaneously strive at a global level to make brain health and rehabilitation affordable and accessible to all strata. Also, efforts need to be taken to understand the mental health issues in COVID survivors and help them cope up with them. This needs a team effort with Neurologists, Neuropsychologist, Psychiatrists and Rehabilaition specialists playing equally important roles.

SLG Neuro Centre Hyderabad is a unique one stop solution for all neurological and neurosurgical disorders. It affords expert evidence based care at an affordable price under one roof being equipped with state of the art machinery, cath labs and ICUs and an efficient Neuro Team.