365Telugu.com online news,National, November, 2024: SRM University-AP in collaboration with OPPO India and the All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), is partnering to support the “Generation Green”—a national-level initiative aimed at empowering youth to become advocates of sustainability through green skills and actionable commitments. With this, the college becomes an ‘Eco-Conscious Champion Institute’ under the programme.

The first phase of the campaign saw AICTE and OPPO India partner with 1M1B to promote sustainable practices among youth by offering green internships to students across India. Launched on July 08, 2024, by AICTE Chairperson Prof. T G Sitharam, in the presence of Dr Buddha Chandrasekhar, CCO, AICTE, over 9,000 students from over 1,400 institutions applied to join the noble venture.
The second phase of the ‘Generation Green’ campaign witnessed SRM AP’s partnership with OPPO and AICTE for educating youngsters about the need for responsible electronic waste management. In alignment with this initiative the varsity conducted E-Waste Quest 2024, wherein it enlightened the students on the issue of waste management of discarded electronic items such as mobile phones, chargers, batteries, and wires.

The campaign targets one million youth engagements by the end of 2024 to create a lasting impact on e-waste management and environmental preservation.
“It is commendable initiative taken by both SRM University and OPPO India to spread awareness about electronic waste (e-waste), highlighting its significant impact on both society and the environment. Voluntary organizations and women’s groups in rural areas should also participate in addressing this issue. Their involvement can ensure that awareness campaigns reach a broader demographic, fostering a community-based approach to e-waste management,” said Ms Nagalakshmi Selvarajan, District Collector, Guntur. “Finally, I assure the governmental support for the initiative in the Guntur District to pave the way for a more cohesive and impactful approach to sustainable e-waste management in the future.”
Mr Rakesh Bhardwaj, Head of Public Affairs, OPPO India said, “At OPPO India, we are committed to empowering India’s youth in support of the Government’s Net-Zero vision. Over 6,50,000 Green Pledges have been made demonstrating a strong commitment to eco-friendly living. With interns signing up at SRM University – AP, the program aims to inspire more students to adopt green practices and impact e-waste management.
Prof. Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran, Dean-Paari School of Business and the officiating Vice Chancellor emphasised, “Initiatives like OPPO India’s Generation Green Campaign illustrate how small, purposeful actions can catalyse significant change toward a sustainable future.”

Dr Rangabhashiyam Selvasembian, Associate Professor and Head – Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, stated, “A motivated and informed generation has the power to reshape our planet. If we do not take responsibility for its protection, no one else will. At SRM University-AP, the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering are leading important research on managing E-waste. These researchers focus on finding ways to recover valuable metals from this waste, including copper, gold, and rare earth elements, which are used in many modern devices. Their approach uses special processes to extract these metals, helping to reduce the need for mining and lowering the environmental impact of e-waste.”
In the first phase, OPPO India onboarded sustainability champions from over 20 states and 3 Union Territories, who are now inspiring others to act for a cleaner sustainable future. Join the movement for a sustainable future, visit www.iamgenerationgreen.in and take the pledge.