365telugu.com,online news, Hyderabad, 15th March 2020: Known to bring unique and exciting content to the viewers, Star Maa launches yet another show “House of Hungama”, an out and out entertainment show. Set to air from March 16th, the show is a laughter fun. Most renowned Telugu anchor Suma kanakala is playing the lead role in the show. The premises of the show is about five people who reside in a bungalow that is in legal troubles, leading to funny circumstances.
The show traces the story of a middle class family that gets into problems, faces struggles and finds a way out every time. The easygoing family never fails to entertain throughout the show. Devi, a designer who considers herself innovative, but ends up making bad designs. Ramakanth, a student who believes engineering is the only way to succeed and creates nuisance all the time. A social media reviewer who aspires to show his followers his content in an appealing manner. A mother-in-law who suffers from acidity but always craves for food. And a movie reviewer Ranga who never watches movies but comes up with useless reviews and becomes a target for fans. The fun, confusion, arguments and upsets in the lives of these five characters forms for a fun story.
With Suma as Devi, Sruthi as Acidity Arundathi, Hemanth as Review Ranga, Raghava as Engineer Ramakanth and Udaya Sree as the social media reviewer, the show is surely going to attract attention.
Speaking about this show, Suma Kanakala stated about this new-age serial, “I am playing the lead role of Designer Devi which marks my comeback into acting in a fiction show after a gap of 15 years! I’m very excited about this project and it is overwhelming that I’m doing a comedy show. I can promise you all that this hilarious show will entertain you thoroughly and will become a household name that brings relief to your stressful lives. Please watch our show House of Hungama only on Star Maa.”