365Telugu.com online news,Bhubaneswar, November 20th, 2024: In a bid to advance disaster preparedness and response, Reliance Foundation, in partnership with the United Nations India, gathered key stakeholders from across the Global South for a crucial convening on early warning and early action. The event, held in Odisha, marked the beginning of a series of dialogues aimed at enhancing multi-hazard, multi-stakeholder approaches to disaster resilience, with a particular focus on coastal ecosystems.

Titled “Early Warning to Early Action – A Multi-Hazard, Multi-Stakeholder Approach: Learning from Coastal Ecosystems,” the convening highlighted Odisha’s leadership in disaster management, particularly its strategies for early warning and action in coastal regions, a key area prone to natural disasters. The discussions centered on innovative solutions, livelihood protection, and gender inclusion in disaster resilience efforts.
The event brought together experts from national disaster management agencies, UN organisations, policy experts, researchers, and NGOs, who engaged in discussions on the current state of early warning systems (EWS) and the future of disaster preparedness. The Chief Guest, Mr. Suresh Pujari, Minister for Revenue and Disaster Management, Government of Odisha, emphasized the importance of strengthening early warning systems and integrating technological advancements to improve the accuracy of disaster predictions.

Mr. Jagannatha Kumar, CEO of Reliance Foundation, remarked, “Climate change is intensifying extreme weather events, making it essential to enhance impact-based forecasting. Early warning systems are proven lifesavers, and through this series of convenings, we aim to drive impactful solutions that translate knowledge into local action.”
Mr. Shombi Sharp, UN Resident Coordinator for India, highlighted the significance of the convening in showcasing Odisha’s leadership in EWS, sharing knowledge with other states and countries in the Global South. He added, “This convening is part of the UN’s efforts to answer the call for Early Warning for All, fostering collaboration to build resilient communities.”
Discussions included examining the effectiveness of current EWS, exploring innovative technologies, and identifying ways to future-proof disaster preparedness. Panel sessions addressed integrating socio-demographic data with meteorological information for more targeted early action messaging and shared best practices in livelihood protection alongside early warning systems.

A key focus was the exchange of knowledge between experts from Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, sharing successful disaster risk reduction practices. The convening also included field visits to Odisha’s Balasore and Bhadrak districts, showcasing the work of Reliance Foundation and UN India in collaboration with local authorities.
The Early Warning to Early Action series is designed to document best practices, identify innovative solutions, and create actionable policy recommendations to reduce disaster risks and save lives. This gathering is a step towards building stronger, more resilient communities in the face of climate change and natural disasters.