365telugu.com online news,Fibruary19,Hyderabad: As per the direction of Managing Director, TSRTC Sunil Sharma, IAS welfare board meetings were held in all depots of TSRTC. These board meetings will be held every Tuesday. Today, many small issues throughout TSRTC like leaves, medical issues were sorted out by the Depot Managers with human touch. Few grievances which could not be solved were sent to higher officials for solving them. Executive Director, GHZ Mr. Venkateshwarlu went to the Kachiguda depot personally for the meeting along with DVM.
Managing Director thanked employees and Officers for the co-operation extended by them for their successful conduct of welfare board meetings.
- In an attempt to improve the passenger convenience and to increase the Revenues of the Corporation, TSRTC has introduced many passenger friendly measures such as Halt & Go, Hail & Board, Shout & Load, Alight on request and to be courteous with the passengers.
- To effectively implement the above passenger friendly measures, Regional Manager / Depot Managers have identified important traffic generating points on every depot’s routes where the boarding and alighting of passengers is more and posted RTC employees to guide the passengers.
- The employee with the help of Mega phone will announce the arrival and departure of buses, inform the timings of buses, fares, and announcers the destinations and names of the intermediate stages of the bus passing through.
- He will also regulate the frequency of buses by making the buses to stop for 2 to 3 minutes to facilitate more number of passengers to board RTC bus.
- The employee posted at traffic generating point will repeatedly appeal to the passengers to patronage RTC buses for their safe travel and to avoid ghastly accidents.
- Very shortly all traffic generating points will be equipped with depot made ‘May I Help You’ kiosks for improved passengers convenience and easy identification of RTC employee posted at the place.