365Telugu.com Online news,Hyderabad, 28th,January 2023: Billionaire philanthropist and business icon of Hyderabad, Sudha Reddy of the MEIL Group made a remarkable appearance at the star-studded HELLO! Hall Of Fame red carpet event.
The champagne-laden evening which saw the likes of DSP, Swapna Dutta, Dulquer Salman and Vijay Deverakonda imbibed tonnes of stunning glamour, uber cool beauty looks and was a sight to behold.
A fashionista and a doyen of art and culture in her own right, Reddy who sported a regal shimmery Neeta Lulla cape gown was seen giving away ‘The Most Beautiful Face Of The Year’ award to glamorous movie star, Aditi Rao Hydari at the prestigious event.

After over a decade of celebrating the achievements of game changers across fields like entertainment, sports, arts, fashion, business, and philanthropy, HELLO! Hall Of Fame presented its first-ever South edition.
Over the years, extraordinary talent from South India have set the benchmark for excellence and broken several records. This special edition of HELLO!’s flagship awards recognised the growing influence of powerhouse personalities from Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala.