CM KCR extended greetings on the occasion of 284th birth anniversary of Sant Sevalal Maharaj online news,Hyderabad,February 15th,Chief Minister K.C.R said that Sant Sri Sevalal Maharaj, who is the revered deity of online news,Hyderabad,February 15th,Chief Minister K.C.R said that Sant Sri Sevalal Maharaj, who is the revered deity of online news, Delhi,July,23rd,2022: The Prime Minister Narendra Modi has greeted everyone on the special day of Aadi Krithigai. The Prime Minister tweeted : "On the special day of Aadi… online news, Delhi,May 2nd,2022:The President of India, Ram Nath Kovind has greeted fellow citizens on the eve of Eid-ul-Fitr.In his message the President has said, “On the occasion of… online news,delhi,march 17th,2022:The President of India, Ram Nath Kovind has sent his greetings to his fellow citizens on the eve of Holi. In a message, the President has said,… Online News, Delhi, January 26th, 2022:The Prime Minister Narendra Modi has greeted the people on the occasion of Republic Day. In a tweet, the Prime Minister said;