365Telugu.com online news,January 9th,2025: Tata Play, India’s leading Direct to Home (DTH) provider, has unveiled its latest campaign, ‘Sirf Lage Mehenga,’ celebrating new year and the harvest season. Catering to the choices of every family member, Tata Play’s Telugu Super Value Pack offers an extensive, budget-friendly, high quality entertainment experience including genres like general entertainment, news, sports, music, movies, devotional, Kids and more.
Conceptualized by Ogilvy, ‘Sirf Lage Mehenga’ campaign showcases a series of overstatement parody films that humorously dispels the myth of DTH services being expensive. The films highlight how Tata Play delivers world class entertainment at an affordable price, ensuring an uncompromised viewing experience.

By weaving humor into crucial nail-biting situations, the films emphasize the joy of discovering original and premium entertainment that is available on television. The campaign has been customized in different languages to appeal to viewers across the country.
Tata Play continues to set the benchmark in delivering value-driven entertainment for audiences across geographies, tiers, hierarchies and echelons.

With packs starting at INR 255 per month, viewers can change or choose their packs by visiting the Tata Play website at https://www.tataplay.com/ or by visiting the Manage Section in the Tata Play Mobile App. They can also visit their nearest dealers in the region to avail the offer.