365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad,August 23,2024: Telangana is setting a new benchmark in addressing the misuse of spy cameras in public areas, thanks to a landmark effort initiated by a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) petitioner.
The PIL, filed in 2017 by G. Varalakshmi, the founder-president of Heaven Homes Society NGO in Hyderabad, prompted the state government to take significant action against the unchecked use of spy cameras in shopping malls, hotels, hospital X-ray rooms, and other public spaces.

The petition called for the establishment of regulations, a dedicated monitoring mechanism for the sale of spy cameras, and strict penalties for misuse.
In a collaborative effort, the State Education Department, Hyderabad Police, She Teams, and Varalakshmi have launched an “Anti Red Eye Campaign” to combat the misuse of spy cameras in public places.
This initiative aims to raise awareness about the potential abuses of spy cameras by malicious individuals. Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy, Hyderabad Police Commissioner K. Srinivas Reddy, and Principal Secretary of the State Higher Education Department Burra Venkatesham are leading the charge, involving students from various colleges who are participating in National Service Scheme (NSS) programs.
These students are being provided with portable bug detectors and are receiving training on how to detect and remove spy cameras from sensitive areas such as dressing rooms and hotel rooms.

Special stickers are being prepared to be placed on the doors of such rooms once they have been cleared of spy devices. These stickers will signify that the area is free from spy cameras, allowing women and other individuals to use the rooms with confidence.
Varalakshmi hailed these efforts as a pioneering initiative in the country and noted that the state is actively training hundreds of NSS volunteers to tackle the problem. A recent program was held at GVK Mall in Hyderabad, and plans are underway to expand this initiative across the state.