Telephone Conversation between Narendra Modi and Prime Minister of UK The Rt Hon Boris JohnsonTelephone Conversation between Narendra Modi and Prime Minister of UK The Rt Hon Boris Johnson online news,Delhi,january,5th,2021: Prime Minister,Narendra Modi had a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister of UK The Rt Hon Boris Johnson. Prime Minister Johnson reiterated his thanks for India’s invitation for him as the Chief Guest of the forthcoming Republic Day celebrations, but regretted his inability to attend in view of the changed COVID-19 context prevailing in the UK.  He reiterated his keennees to visit India in the near future.Prime Minister expressed his understanding of the exceptional situation in the UK, and conveyed his best wishes for the quick control of the pandemic spread.  He looked forward to receiving Prime Minister Johnson in India at the earliest opportunity after normalisation of the situation.The leaders reviewed ongoing cooperation between both countries, including in the area of making COVID-19 vaccines available for the world. They reiterated their shared belief in the potential of the India-UK partnership in the post-BREXIT, post-COVID context, and agreed to work towards a comprehensive roadmap for realising this potential.