365Telugu.com Online News,July 14th,2023: Top five Smartphones under Rs.25000.. There are many good smartphones in the Indian market. Smartphones come in the market at different price points.
Among these, phones in the range of Rs.10,000 to Rs.30,000 are the maximum. There are also a large number of people who like these. Rs. Now let’s know about top 5 smartphones under Rs.25000..
Many smartphones including Realme, Motorola, Xiaomi, Lava mobiles are available under 25 thousand rupees.

Redmi K50i 5G (Redmi K50i 5G):
Redmi K50i 5G makes it to the list of top 5 smartphones. The starting price of this smartphone is Rs.20,999. The phone has a 64MP primary camera and a Dimensity 8100 processor. It houses a 5080mAh battery with 67W Turbo Charge support. https://in.event.mi.com/
POCO X5 Pro 5G :
Poco X5 Pro 5G also made it to the top 5 smartphone list. It is priced on Flipkart at Rs. 20,999. It has a 6.67 inch display. This phone has a 108MP camera, Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G processor, 5000mAh battery. https://www.po.co/global/product/poco-x5-pro-5g/
Lava Agni 2 5G:
Lava Agni 2 5G also made it to the bestseller list. This phone is sold through Amazon. It is priced at Rs 21,999. This phone has a curved AMOLED display. Apart from this, there is a dual rear camera with a 50MP primary camera, 66W fast charging support, Dimensity 7050 processor. https://www.lavamobiles.com/
Motorola G82 5G:
Motorola G82 5G starting price Rs. 22,490. Can be purchased through Amazon. It has a 6.6 inch display. Apart from this, there is a 50MP primary camera, 5000mAh battery and Snapdragon 695 processor. https://www.motorola.com/us/

Realme 11 Pro 5G (Realme 11 Pro 5G):
The Realme 11 Pro 5G smartphone is available on Flipkart at a starting price of Rs 23,999. It has a 5000mAh battery, 100MP primary camera, Dimension 7050 processor. https://buy.realme.com/
You can buy these smartphones with discounts through offers on the e-commerce platform. Different offers can be availed in each brand.