365Telugu.Com Online News,january3, Hyderabad: Shiva Kumar B who has worked with Dashing Director Puri Jagannadh, Sensational Director VV Vinayak, Super Successful Director Maruthi is making his debut as The Director also providing Story, Screenplay, Dialogues with a film titled ’22’ starring Rupesh Kumar Choudhary and Saloni Misra as the lead
pair in Maa Aai Productions banner. The film has completed its shooting part and is now undergoing it’s post production works. The team has released The striking Title Logo Animation of ’22’ movie on the eve of New Year. First Look Glimpse of the film will be out very soon.

Rupesh Kumar Choudhary, Saloni Misra, Vikramjeet Virk, Devi Prasad, JayaPrakash, Ravi Varma, Fida Saranya, Pooja Ramachandran, Rajasree Nair, Krishna Chaitanya, Afghanistan Raju, Master Tharun, Baby Ojal, Baby Samskruthi and Others
Cinematography: BV Ravikiran, Music: Sai Kartheek, Choreography: Anee Lama, Art: Peddiraju Addala, Action: Stunt Jashuva, Lyrics: Bhaskarabhatla, Kasarla Shyam, Chief Co-Director: Pullarao Koppineedi, Producer: Mrs Susheela Devi, Story, Screenplay, Dialogues, Direction: Shiva Kumar B. Here’s the Significant Title animation of #22Movie and Wishing Everyone #HappyNewYear2020
Watch Now > https://youtu.be/QY-Aspvpwcs