365Telugu.com Online News,July 23rd,2023: Hyundai company Creta is a great vehicle in the mid-size SUV segment. It is also getting immense popularity from the customers. Hyundai’s cousin company Kia has launched Seltos to enter this segment.

Both the vehicles are very similar in terms of length, width and height. Both are priced almost the same. But, let’s know about the SUV that is different from these two that created a stir in the market..

It is a unique vehicle. It also has a 1500cc engine. But in terms of price, it is not one, but two, five lakh rupees less than the Creta.

SUVs dominate the market. The demand for SUVs has grown rapidly in every segment from entry level to premium level.

Currently, with the arrival of SUVs with 1200cc engine capacity, there is a rush in the market to buy them. Tata Punch is an SUV in this segment. Now Hyundai has also launched Xter.

Compact – mid side

Creta is one of the most expensive SUVs in this segment. It is also very popular with customers. Its monthly sales are around 15,000. It is one of the most successful vehicles in the Hyundai lineup.

It is the third best selling car in the country as of June 2023. Maruti’s Wagon R and Swift are number one and second in the month of June.

Creta sold 14,447 units. The Creta comes in both petrol and diesel versions. Its petrol version has a starting ex-showroom price of Rs. 10.87 lakhs while the top model ex-showroom price is Rs. 18.34 lakhs. The Creta is powered by a 1397 cc turbo engine. It is a great car in terms of performance. According to the company’s claim, it is 16.8 km.

It measures 4300 mm in length, 1790 mm in width and 1635 mm in height. Wheelbase is 2610 mm.

Strong engine than Creta..

The name of this SUV is Brezza. This vehicle belongs to the country’s largest car manufacturer, Maruti. It is said to be the most powerful vehicle in Maruti’s box. It got 4 stars in global NCAP rating. Maruti has launched its new Creta not long after its launch. https://www.hyundai.com/in/en

Launched in the market. It created a sensation as soon as it hit the market. In terms of price, the Bretta is about Rs. 5 lakh less.

Maruti offers a more powerful engine than the Creta. It is powered by a 1462 cc four cylinder engine. It is far ahead of the Creta in terms of mileage as well. As per the company’s claim, it runs up to 20.15 km per liter of petrol.

Only two inches difference..

As far as size is concerned, the Brezza is smaller than the Creta. In fact, the Creta is definitely 305 mm (about 12 inches) longer than the Brezza.

Creta has 840mm of legroom while Brezza has 790mm of legroom. Legroom is the space for rear seat occupants to stretch their legs. Compared to the Creta, this space is just 50 mm less than the Brezza by two inches.

As far as sales are concerned, its monthly sales are also around 14 thousand units. This year it sold 14,359 units in January, 15,787 in February, 16,227 in March, 11,836 in April, 13,398 in May and 10,578 in June. https://www.hyundai.com/in/en