365telugu.com online news,Tirupati,16 December 2021: The Junior Pontiff of Tirumala, HH Sri Sri Sri Siriya Koil Kelviyappan Govinda Ramanuja Jeeyar (Tirumala Chinna Jeeyar ) Swami pronounced on Thursday that Tiruppavai, is being hailed as Dravida Veda for narrating the adorable bond between Devotees and Paramatma.
The Tiruppavai Pravachanams of Dhanur Masam organized by the TTD’s Alwar Divya Prabandam project commenced at the Annamacharya Kala Mandiram in Tirupati on Thursday.
In his Mangala Sasanam, the Tirumala pontiff said Goda Devi was one among the 12 Alwars who heralded the Srivari glory through Pasuras and first one to hail Sri Venkateswara as Govinda.
The Dharmic projects official Sri Vijayasaradhi said the Tiruppavai pravachanam program was organized by the TTD in 208 locations across the country during 30 days of Dhanur Masam to ignite the spiritual quotient among all devotees.
The TTD PRO Dr T Ravi narrated the significance of Godadevi contribution to the Bhakti cult in the country.
Scholar Sri Chakravarti Ranganathan will narrate the Dhanurmasa pravachanam every day from December 17 to January 14 while Smt Dwaram Lakshmi will render Pasurams.