365elugu.com online news,delhi,march 27th,2022:The decision of the Government of India to reopen scheduled commercial international passengers services to / from India from 27.3.2022 , after a gap of two years, has been hailed and warmly by all the travel industry stakeholders of the country. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation had suspended operations of international commercial services with effect from 23rd March 2020, with a view to prevent the spread of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Earlier, the Government of India had started granting of fresh Tourist visas to foreigners arriving on charter flights with effect from 15th October 2021.
Hailing the resumption of normal international passenger services, Shri Rajeev Mehra, President of Indian Association of Tour Operators said that this would definitely increase tourist traffic to India and from September 2022 onwards, which is the start of the next inbound tourism season, a substantial amount of the affected business is expected to be back.

Tourism sector has been one of the most adversely affected sectors by the Covid 19 pandemic, impacting livelihoods of stakeholders related to the tourism industry. The Ministry of Tourism has extended financial support in the form of credit under the Credit Garuantee Scheme at concessional rates, to tour operators, travel agents and Regional level tourist guides, approved by the Ministry of Tourism.