365telugu.com online news,Tirumala, June14th, 2022: After musing the devotees in Vajra Kavacham and Mutyapu Kavacham on June 12 and 13, Sri Malayappa Swamy was seen back in His popular Swarna Kavacham on Tuesday evening. Earlier during the day, Snapana Tirumanjanam to the processional deities of Sri Malayappa Swamy, Sridevi and Bhudevi was taken place in Tirumala temple.
The Swarna Kavacham which was removed on June 11 was adorned back to Sri Malayappa. He will be in the same golden armour the entire year till next Jyestabhishekam. Both the Senior and Junior Pontiffs of Tirumala, TTD EO Sri AV Dharma Reddy, Temple DyEO Sri Ramesh Babu and others were present.