365telugu.com online news,Tirupati, 20 Jan. 22: TTD EO Dr KS Jawahar Reddy has instructed the officials concerned to come up with a concrete action plan on the development of Anjanadri Tirumala before February 15. A review meeting on various subjects was held in Sri Padmavathi Rest House at Tirupati on Thursday wherein Additional EO Sri AV Dharma Reddy and Tirupati JEO Sri Veerabrahmam also participated.

Earlier, TTD CE Nageswara Rao presented a PPP on the outlay of Anjanadri Hills, Hanuman Birthplace etc. The EO instructed the Engineering officials to come out walkthrough plan on Anjanadri. It may be mentioned here that TTD has declared Anjanadri near Akasa Ganga area located as the Birth place of Sri Anjaneya Swamy, with strong evidence from Puranas, Sastras, and Epigraphies by a team of scholars.

Earlier review meetings were also held separately on Sri Padmavathi Paediatric Cardiac Hospital in Tirupati and Tarigonda Vengamamba Dhyana Mandiram at Tirumala. The EO directed the officials concerned to come out with an action plan on the Vengamamba Dhyana Mandiram before February 7 after thoroughly visiting the site. Art Director Sri Ananda Sai, Former Board Member Sri Muralikrishna were present. The EO instructed the officials to submit a Detailed Project Report (DPR) on February 15 about the works with respect to Paediatric Cardiac Hospital. FACAO Balaji, Chief Audit Officer and CS RMO Sesha Sailendra, Director of Paediatric Hospital Dr Srinath Reddy were present.