Two high yielding tomato hybrids released by East-West Seed to aid smallholder farmersTwo high yielding tomato hybrids released by East-West Seed to aid smallholder farmers,online news,Hyderabad12 august2020 :Smallholder tomato farmers face many challenges posed by the COVID -19 scenario, transportability of their produce to the marketplace being a major one. East-West Seed India, a leader in the vegetable seeds market, has introduced two new high-yielding tomato hybrids Shreya and Ria, which are being prized by smallholder farmers for their consistency in size, color, and suitability for transport over long distances helping them tide over logistical challenges in these testing times. These hybrids are suitable for cultivation from July to December in the states of Karnataka, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh.Says a Shreya hybrid tomato farmer Obul Reddy from Choudapalli village of Punganur taluk, Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh “I have been cultivating Shreya for the last one year in both summer and rainy seasons and I am very happy with the fruit consistency, picking, and transportability allowing me a price premium over other varieties.”Says Dilip Rajan, Managing Director of East-West Seed India, “Market-oriented vegetable farming not only creates income for smallholder farmers but also helps to build their resilience to external risks. Our two hybrids offer higher productivity with greater resilience to pest and disease while ensuring a better flavor experience for the consumers.”