365telugu.com online news,December 28,National: Udaipur World Music Festival – is a city-wide, multi venue music festival featuring over 150 global
artists and collaborations with participation from over 20 countries witnessing a footfall of over 50,000
people every year. The festival withstands as the only and the biggest world music festival in the
country and has been a game changer in the realm of performing arts in India, having successfully
established Udaipur as a world music hub in the last few years.

This year, the festival seeks to celebrate the concept ‘We are the World: Unity in diversity’ at the
Udaipur World Music Festival 2020. Through planned curation, on ground events and artist
interaction, the festival will be a microcosm to a diverse, yet one world. The Udaipur World Music
Festival, in its 5th milestone edition, brings the world together on one platform, bridging diversities
and binding diverse people through music, joy and multiculturalism.
The Udaipur World Music Festival is an annual festival which is conducted every year at the same
time, featuring unparalleled live performances with the city of lakes as a background and celebrates
cultural diversity at its best. The festival also features the local Rajasthani talent and gives a valuable
platform and exposure to the local artists and the people of Rajasthan and has well spread out venues
to provide a holistic experience to the music lovers travelling from across the world.

Event: Udaipur World Music Festival
Venue: Udaipur
 Amber at Amet Haveli, Ambrai Ghat
 Fateh sagar Paal
 Gandhi Ground
Date: 7th to 9th February 2020