365telugu.com online news,delhi,february 25th,2022:The Union Minister of State for Home, Nityanand Rai released books published by the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) in New Delhi today. Special Secretary (Internal Security) in the Ministry of Home Affairs,V.S. Kaumudi and Director General of BPR&D,Balaji Srivastava, along with several senior officials of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Police were also present.

In his address, the Minister of State for Home said that BPR&D is committed to ensure their capacity building to meet emerging challenges before our police forces. Nityanand Rai said that the Government under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved continuation of the Umbrella Scheme of Modernization of Police Forces with a total central financial outlay of Rs.26,275 crore for the period 2021-22 to 2025-26. This continues the initiative of the Union Home Minister Amit Shah for modernization and improvement of the functioning of the police forces of the States and Union Territories. He said that this will help in strengthening the criminal justice system by developing law and order, internal security, police adopting modern technology, drug control and developing a strong forensic system in the country.
Nityanand Rai said the BPR&D is an important organization of the Ministry of Home Affairs and an essential requirement of the Indian Police Forces. The Bureau has recently completed 51 years of its committed service to the Nation in promoting best practices and standards in policing. The Bureau is always ready and constantly striving to provide knowledge and material regarding technology and help to police organizations in taking effective and speedy decisions and new methods for prevention and investigation of crimes.

The Minister of State for Home said that the Director General of BPR&D has given a brief summary about all the six books released today. This is an important task towards promoting standards and best practices, in the absence of which no organization can meet challenges. Three of the six books released today are being published by the Central Police Training Academy, Bhopal, which clearly strengthens our faith about our academies. The academy is doing remarkable work in imparting world class training and capacity building of law enforcement agencies.
Nityanand Rai said that it is imperative for police forces to create public awareness about cyber crimes, but before that it is equally important to train our forces at the ground level so that they can play an active and effective role in the investigation of cyber crimes. Rai expressed confidence that publication of the book “Cyber Crime Se Parichay” in Hindi would serve its purpose in providing information and dissemination of knowledge about emerging cyber crimes. The Bureau has also published a collection of tools which will meet the requirements of a ready reckoner for police forces for equipment management. The Minister of State for Home conveyed best wishes to the Director General and all the personnel of the Bureau for publishing these very important and relevant publications.