365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad 24th August 2023: A moment of splendor unfolded as Rakul Preet Singh, the celebrated actress, unveiled the resplendent “2023 Mangala Collection” at the Varalaxmi Vratham celebration hosted at TBZ-The Original’s renowned Punjagutta store in Hyderabad.
This festive season, immerse yourself in a world of handcrafted brilliance, where Diamonds and Gold intertwine to create a collection that pays homage to the rich cultural tapestry of Southern India.Drawing inspiration from the intricate designs and vibrant heritage of India, this collection showcases a spectrum of meticulously crafted jewelry pieces that embody the spirit of celebration. https://www.tbztheoriginal.com/
Abhishek Maloo, the Chief Marketing Officer of TBZ – The Original, expressed his excitement about the re-launch of the Punjagutta store, emphasizing the brand’s unwavering commitment to delivering unparalleled jewelry and an unforgettable shopping experience. He also stated that “We are thrilled to expand our presence in Hyderabad with the re-launch of our Punjagutta store.
From intricately designed waist belts to sparkling necklaces that radiate elegance, each piece in the collection is a tribute to India’s time-honored traditions. Rakul Preet Singh, adorned in one of the captivating Fancy Sets from the collection, expressed her honor in being part of the unveiling.
She extends a warm invitation to explore the captivating world of gold, diamond, and Jadau jewelry, adorned with exquisite gemstones and intricate designs, available at TBZ-The Original Showrooms. Actress Rakul said “I am extremely honoured and privileged to be a part of this launch by TBZ-The Original.

It is a moment of pride that I have been called to grace this auspicious occasion to unveil the ‘2023 Mangala Collection’. Adorning such rich jewellery inspired by the charm of India is truly an honour. I am feeling exuberant to be wearing one of the Fancy Sets from this collection today.

This beautiful range of ‘2023 Mangala collection’ is available across TBZ –The Original Showrooms and you must visit your nearest showroom to glance through this breathtakingly new range of gold & diamond jewellery with striking gemstones, intricate designs and avail stunning offers!”. https://www.tbztheoriginal.com/