New-Variant_365t Online News, Delhi, January 9th, 2023: Corona cases are increasing rapidly in many countries of the world including China, Japan, America.

Media sources say that the situation in China is very bad. Due to the new variants of Omicron, the number of infections in the US in the past and the number of people in hospitals are increasing.

In recent studies researchers have observed several mutations in the corona virus. That makes its nature highly contagious. Those infected with the new XBB.1.5 variant also appear to be at increased risk of severe disease.

Health experts say that other countries should continue to take special precautions and vigilance to learn from such accidents.

Corona infection cases in India.


If we talk in the context of India, the situation here is very much under control right now. In the last 24 hours, 200 new people have been diagnosed with the infection.

To prevent infection, the government has intensified investigation and prevention measures. According to reports, there are currently three types of corona cases in the country. The infectivity rate is very high in all three. One of these is also considered to be the most dangerous variant.

Seven cases of XBB.1.5 in America are of concern.

Omicron’s new sub-variant XBB.1.5 is currently thought to be responsible for 80 percent of the increased infection cases in the United States. Even in India the number of people infected with it is increasing.

According to the Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG), the number of people infected with this variant has now increased to seven in India. In December, the disease was confirmed for the first time in Gujarat.

Andrew Pekoz, a virologist at Johns Hopkins University, explains that XBB.1.5 is different from its family. Because it appears to have an extra mutation that helps it bind better to cells, its infectivity rate is much higher, he said.

Medical experts consider Omicron sub-variant BF.7 to be the main factor behind the outbreak of Corona in China. Its cases are also increasing in India.


Recently four new cases of this sub-variant of Omicron have been reported in West Bengal. The researchers found that BF.7 is a mutated form of the Omicron BA. sub-variant, although some mutations are said to increase infectivity and severity.

BF.7 Experts are concerned about the rate of reproduction (R0). In the case of the delta variant the reproduction rate was found to be between 5-6, while in the case of the BF.7 it increased closer to 10-18. That is, scientists have found that an infected person can spread the virus to an average of 10 to 18 people.

The Omicron XBB variant has appeared for the first time in India, and some states of the country are also reporting cases of the virus. Researchers describe it as highly contagious.

It is a variant resulting from the recombination of BA.2.75 and BA.2.10.1. Experts warn of its high infectivity rate, risks of serious disease in people with weakened immune systems.

Which variant is more dangerous?

Maria van Kerkhove, World Health Organization (WHO) epidemiologist and technical lead for COVID-19, said that the nature of the three variants of the corona found in India makes it more contagious. However, according to a report, the threat of XBB.1.5 variant is currently increasing worldwide.

This is Omicron’s ‘most dangerous epidemic to date.’ It has spread to almost 30 countries in a very short time. Given the infectivity of this variant, all countries should take special precautions regarding prevention. She warned that this variant would be a challenge at the global level.

Studies have also found that XBB.1.5 is dangerous

According to a study published in December in the journal Cell, the XBB seems to be able to evade immune protection acquired from prior infection better than other types of vaccine.

This is the reason why the new XBB.1.5 variant is also highly contagious. In people with weakened immune systems, it is thought to increase the risk of serious diseases. To avoid this, the researchers reveal that the booster dose rate needs to be accelerated.


Keeping in view the way the situation is deteriorating due to new variants of Corona in many countries, health experts say that all people should be vigilant. Even with vaccination, they say, caution should be exercised because new strains are becoming more successful in overcoming immunity.

With the increasing number of covid cases and the fear of new variants, it is very important to follow appropriate covid behavior. Wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, and frequent hand washing can all help prevent virus infection. Scientists warn not to neglect taking preventive measures.