365Telugu.com online news,June 21,2023: International Yoga Day 2023: Yoga is considered beneficial for a healthy body, mind. Health experts suggest yogasanas to avoid many diseases. Yoga increases the immunity of the body along with mental calmness.
However, often doing yoga incorrectly can also have a wrong effect on the body. If you are a beginner to yoga, practice under the supervision of an expert. The posture must be correct for yoga practice to be beneficial.
Surya Namaskar is one of the most beneficial yoga poses for health. Doing this yoga at sunrise is beneficial if the process of practicing Surya Namaskar is correct. On the occasion of International Yoga Day, learn about the correct way to do Surya Namaskar and its benefits.

Note: Asanas, Suryanamaskaras should be done only under expert supervision.
The correct way to practice Surya Namaskar..
Step 1- Stand in the posture of Pranamasana and inhale. At this point, come into Uttanasana position. Step 2- While exhaling, assume Hastapadasana posture.
Step 3- Now, breathing in, come into Aswa Sanandharnasana position.Step 4- Exhale and come into Dandasana pose.
Step 5- Hold your breath in this position for some time and then do Ashtanga Namaskar while inhaling again. Step 6- Inhaling, come into Bhujangasan position.
Step 7- While inhaling, come into downward facing dog position.
Step 8- Keeping the breath in sync, stay in Asva Sandarpanasana.
Step 9- Exhale while moving into Hasta Uttanasana.
Step 10- Finally, while inhaling, come into Tadasana position.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar..
Moreover, doing more asanas in Surya Namaskar burns more calories. Practicing this asana reduces excess fat in the body. Weight is under control.
Surya Namaskar detoxifies the body.Anxiety and stress go away. Surya Namaskar provides energy to the body. Health problems do not arise in women.