Tue. Jul 9th, 2024

365Telugu.com online news,September 17th, 2023: Cholesterol is considered a major risk factor for heart disease. It accumulates in blood vessels. Impedes normal blood flow.

That is why people with high cholesterol problems are prone to serious life-threatening problems like heart disease and heart attacks.

Health experts say that cholesterol problem is increasing in all people due to various disturbances in lifestyle and diet, due to which it is very important to work for prevention.

We all often hear about the problems caused by bad cholesterol and high cholesterol, but what if the level of cholesterol in our body is too low..?

Does this condition also cause serious health problems? Let’s know this in detail..

High cholesterol problem

High cholesterol is a major problem nowadays and the number of people with this condition is increasing rapidly in India as well. This is believed to be one of the reasons for the rise in heart attack cases in recent years.

In fact, in the case of high cholesterol, fat builds up in your blood vessels. As this build-up increases, blood flow in your arteries begins to become blocked.

Sometimes, these fat deposits suddenly break off and form a clot, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke, which is considered fatal.

If you have low cholesterol..?

Health experts say that high cholesterol increases the risk of coronary artery disease, so health experts advise everyone to keep cholesterol levels under control.

Low cholesterol levels are considered good for health, but in rare cases, having too little low-density lipoprotein (LDL or bad cholesterol) can lead to a number of health problems.

Health experts are still trying to learn more about the connection between low cholesterol and health risks. If the cholesterol level is below 40 milligrams per deciliter, it can cause health side effects.

Side effects of low cholesterol

Researchers have found that very low cholesterol levels are a rare condition. Since cholesterol is an essential element for the body, its deficiency increases the risk of many health problems.

Some studies have found that lowering cholesterol too much can lead to problems like cancer, hemorrhagic stroke, depression, and stress.

If your cholesterol is low during pregnancy, this condition can lead to premature birth and low birth weight of the baby.

Cholesterol control

It’s not clear whether low cholesterol status causes health problems, the researchers say, but risks have been observed in some cases.

For example, people with depression may have low cholesterol levels. Doctors say that all people should take steps to control cholesterol levels by maintaining a proper diet and routine.