365Telugu.com online news,January 8th, 2023: The rise of winter colds can also lead to other health problems. Researchers reveal that colds can lead to serious complications.
Temperatures are falling drastically in parts of the country. Especially the people of the state of North India are suffering from cold.
This winter can be challenging for health in many ways. Health experts say that all people should pay special attention to their health during this season.

Researchers have found that adverse weather conditions can have adverse effects on body organs in several ways. Those who are already suffering from illness are advised to take special precautions.
From respiratory ailments to heart problems, cold weather can cause problems in many ways. It is important for everyone to protect themselves from this.
What side effects does it have on the body? What preventive measures should be taken?Cold weather can seriously affect heart health. Due to the low temperature, the blood vessels become constricted.
Due to this, blood circulation is affected. In such conditions, the risk of heart attack increases. Medical experts say that people who already have problems related to heart diseases or neurological disorders need special protection during this season.

Blood vessels under the skin are affected in winter. This causes blood circulation to decrease, resulting in increased pressure on the heart to pump blood.
Apart from this, the risk of blood clots is also high in winter. That’s why the researchers reveal that there are more cases of paralysis in this season.
Its risk is high in people suffering from diabetes and hypertension. Winters can be troublesome for asthma sufferers. People spend more time in closed rooms indoors due to cold.
There is a risk of asthma due to lack of outside air and increased indoor pollution. Apart from this, the dry air in winters also increases breathing problem, which increases asthma or other respiratory problems.

What precautions should be taken in winter? Health experts say it is essential for people of all ages to follow cold prevention measures. To keep the body warm, the whole body should be dressed in woolen clothing.
Moisturize the skin often. Drink warm water instead of cold water. Eat a healthy diet, avoid high calorie foods. Do regular yoga-exercise at home.