365Telugu.com online News,June 27th,2023:After the scorching heat in the months of May-June, the monsoons bring heavy rains. There is a risk of many diseases arising due to these climate changes. Thousands of people die every year due to the diseases that mosquitoes carry with the rains.
That is why health experts suggest that everyone should take special precautions in this season.Doctors say that our immune system also weakens due to many reasons during rainy season, which increases the risk of infectious diseases. This season is very challenging, especially for children and elderly people.

Let’s know some of these problems that occur during monsoons and how to avoid them.
Flu (cold, fever) problems..
Extreme fluctuations in temperature during monsoons make the body susceptible to bacterial or viral infections. This results in cold and flu. Flu is common with any change in season. People with weakened immune systems are also at greater risk of infectious diseases.
Nutritionists say that to avoid getting the flu, paying attention to hygiene and consuming immune-boosting foods is beneficial.
Risk of mosquito-borne diseases
The rainy season also increases the risk of many mosquito-borne diseases. Cases like malaria, dengue, chikungunya increase exponentially in this season. The accumulation of water in the rain creates a favorable environment for the growth of mosquitoes and there is a risk of these diseases.
Keeping waterlogged areas clean can prevent the spread of malaria. Similarly, dengue fever is also very dangerous and can be fatal.
Typhoid threat increases

Contaminated food and water causes typhoid fever, which is common during the rainy season. It is an infection caused by the bacteria Salmonella Typhi. Typhoid is accompanied by high fever as well as digestive health problems in which proper hygiene, cleanliness as well as drinking clean water is advisable. This problem is more common in children.
Cholera epidemic
Cholera, an infection caused by contaminated water, can also have fatal side effects. It is an intestinal disease, which can be caused by food and water contaminated with bacteria. It often has symptoms like diarrhea and dehydration. Every year a large number of children die across the country due to this disease.
Cholera can come to anyone, medical experts reveal that to prevent it, drink clean boiled water, pay special attention to food hygiene.