365Telugu.com Online news,september 29th, 2023: Proper diet is very important for health. But often we take it too lightly. Medical experts say that if such matters are postponed, it will lead to serious problems.

Heart is the main organ in the human body. Its stable, proper functioning depends on sustaining life.

A heart can be kept healthy by adopting some simple habits or things. There are bad fats and good fats in the body. You only need to plan your diet once. It should be implemented carefully. This may seem complicated to think about.

There may be some problems in the beginning, but you can benefit from it for the rest of your life. With this, you will be able to not only take care of yourself but also guide others to have a healthy heart.

First of all, stop stressing about heart health because it can have a bad effect on the heart as well. Take a break and calmly make notes of what you need to work on and start working slowly. Things you should pay attention to-

History of any type of heart disease or other diseases in your family. This is something people often forget to consider. If someone in the family has heart disease, you don’t have to assume you will too. Cardiologists say that it may not be the same in everyone.

Therefore, if high BP, high sugar, cholesterol etc. are also passed down in your family from one generation to another, it is important that you inculcate healthy habits in your daily routine from an early age.

Do the mandatory health tests and medical checkups on time. There is currently a treatment available for almost every heart disease. After that one can live a normal life comfortably. One can live a healthy life with peace of mind only if one is alert.

Don’t ignore snoring or sleep apnea. If you have constant sleep disturbances and snoring becomes your habit, then consult a doctor and take measures for this.

In the case of sleep apnea, your airway becomes blocked, causing difficulty breathing. Doctors say that due to this there is a risk of stopping breathing many times even during night sleep.

It can cause high blood pressure, abnormal heart rate, and even heart failure. If you are overweight the problems will increase.

Keeping strict control of weight, sugar, BP, cholesterol. This is something that many people know but forget to implement. Reduce the intake of white enemies ie salt, sugar, rice, add more fiber and good fats like omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. Eat more whole grains and green vegetables.

Try to avoid stressful situations as much as possible. It puts your heart in a lot of trouble. Meditation, music etc can work well in reducing your stress.

At least 30 minutes of exercise a day is essential. By inhaling fresh air outside, the blood circulation is smooth and the brain gets positive energy and the heart works properly.

Alcohol or cigarettes will never solve any problem. They also have a very bad effect on heart health. Keep them away or reduce intake. Drinks like red wine can be used in moderation occasionally but stay away from hard liquors.