365Telugu.com online news,November 15th,2024: Is there an ideal age for marriage? The answer is not straightforward, as several factors can influence the decision. Nupur Dhakephalkar, founder and chief clinical psychologist at the Center for Mental Health, offers insights into how age and readiness affect marriage outcomes.
Are You Truly Ready for Marriage?
Before considering marriage, it’s essential to reflect on readiness. Nupur notes that being “ready” is more than being in love-it involves sharing values, showing commitment, and having emotional resilience. She explains, “A couple ready for marriage will have strong communication skills, respect for each other’s differences, and clarity on shared goals. Feeling secure, supported, and aligned on finances, family, and lifestyle are key indicators.”

Instead of focusing on age, Nupur suggests marriage should happen when both partners have developed a clear sense of self, personal goals, and the ability to communicate effectively. Studies show that people who marry after their mid-20s often experience higher marital satisfaction and lower divorce rates. For instance, a study by the Institute for Family Studies found that each year of age at marriage before 32 lowers the odds of divorce by 11%.
Getting Married in Your 20s: Pros and Cons
Marriage in your 20s can be deeply fulfilling if approached with respect, open communication, and shared values. “Early marriage offers the chance to grow together and establish a strong foundation through a transformative time,” says Nupur. However, the 20s are also marked by personal growth and identity exploration, which may cause changes in priorities and even social circles. For some, this evolution can introduce unexpected pressures into the relationship.
Couples who embrace change and maintain open communication tend to fare best. Nupur emphasizes that resilience in early marriage often comes from embracing growth and keeping the lines of communication open.
Marriage in Your 30s, 40s, and Beyond: Pros and Cons

For those marrying in their 30s or 40s, life experience can bring clarity about personal values and what they seek in a partner. “Many people at this stage are more emotionally and financially secure, contributing to a stronger foundation for a lasting relationship,” Nupur says.
However, with age can come increased attachment to routines, making compromise more challenging. For those desiring children, biological factors may also create time-sensitive considerations. Success in later marriages often relies on balancing a strong sense of individuality with a willingness to adapt as a couple.