
365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad,November 5th,2022:WhatsApp has as of late sent off a few new security highlights for its clients. One of the highlights is to conceal the internet based status. WhatsApp sent off the conceal online status include several months prior, and presently it is accessible to all clients on iOS and Android stages.

So if you have any desire to conceal your WhatsApp online status from your chief or a stalker, presently you can. Clients can now conceal what they last saw: everybody, contacts, or only a couple of chosen contacts. Or then again, you might need not to conceal your last seen from anybody. You should tap the fourth choice in the web-based status settings: No one. You just have two choices to conceal the web-based status: all or “same as last seen”.


So you can conclude your last seen setting first and afterward apply something similar for online status. Along these lines, you will actually want to conceal your WhatsApp online status from explicit clients or every one of your contacts.

With the element of concealing web-based status, the organization means to zero in on protection. WhatsApp has delivered a few new security related highlights as of late. The organization asserts that all visits on the stage are start to finish scrambled, and that implies that nobody yet the source and beneficiary of the message can peruse the talks. Not even WhatsApp or parent organization Meta.