365Telugu.com Online News, Hyderabad, July 30th,2022: This month of Shravan, women pray for a ‘boon’ to appease Goddess Lakshmi. At that time Amma is decorated very beautifully. Women get creative by celebrating the first Shravana Friday. The month of Shravana is considered an auspicious month. Women in traditional households are busy doing pujas especially on Tuesdays and Fridays.
An important part of this month is the celebration of Varalakshmi Vrat. Every year, it is celebrated in the month of Shravana on the second Friday before the full moon. Adding creativity, many decorate with traditional figures during the Vrat. “Displaying a toy set takes on an artistic form depending on the occasion of the festival we celebrate. There is a need to carry forward the tradition and pass it on to the next generation. The best way to do this is toy display,” pandit said.
Some people keep sets of figurines like wedding ceremony, ‘Krishnashtami’, Goda Devi Kalyanam, Sankranti, Griha Pravesam, Shravana Lakshmi in rural environment. Many feel that “every concept tells a story. It is an effective medium to make today’s young generation follow our orthodox traditions.” Shravan masam season is the most sought after time for art and craft, a home-run venture, as orders for customized toys are available to entrepreneurs. “People are asking for Ashta Lakshmi and Lakshmi Devi sets with braided hair and decor. Every year the demand for dolls is increasing hugely,” says Sreelakshmi, an eco-friendly toy manufacturer.
“Rituals followed during this month are believed to bring health, fertility and wealth by appeasing Goddess Lakshmi. This vrat is performed for the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. For husband’s long life and wealth is synonymous with gold, many believe to invest in gold jewelery during Varalakshmi Vrat.” As women have many reasons to celebrate this month, men prepare to double their monthly budget as they buy jewelery and silk sarees for the women of the house.