365Telugu.com online news,September 11, 2023: Softouch fabric conditioner from Wipro Consumer Care and Lighting has announced its newest TVC campaign celebrating the Telugu spirit of “Thaggedele– not to settle for less’ with anything in life. This communication also seamlessly integrates with the brand’s lead variant- Softouch Black having double dosage fragrance inspired by French perfumes, which gives maximum impact.
The opening of the TVC features the very popular and iconic celebrity Ramya Krishnan, intending to connect with the Telugu audience and elevate the brand’s message to new heights.
With an enthusiastic aura, she speaks about Softouch Black, which comes with a double dose of French fragrance synonymous with Telugu-speaking people who aspire for everything “double or extra” in their life. Be it like in the Telugu movies, whether action or comedy, packed with double drama.

The TVC further establishes the superior performance of the fabric conditioner, designed to make clothes irresistibly soft and long-lasting, with the dual power of fragrance. The commercial captures the essence of the product, highlighting its unique features and the beautiful impact it has on the lives of its consumers.
Mr. Prasanna Rai, VP of Marketing, Wipro Consumer Care & Lighting, said, ” The new communication is tailored for our Telugu-speaking consumers-wherein the Softouch 2X Black variant has been a key growth driver for the brand.
The product is well recognized in the AP & Telangana markets, and we hope to strengthen our market share by providing consumers with a sensorial superior product. Fine French fragrances inspire the black variant and have a double dosage for maximum impact.
Ramya Krishnan is the face of the campaign, and we are thrilled to have her onboard. Her talent, passion, and wide appeal make her the perfect choice to showcase the Telugu spirit of never settling for less.”
The new campaign is launched across television and digital platforms – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOZfEL6-9fs

With German encapsulation Technology, Softouch fabric conditioner is enabled, where microcapsules lock fragrance on the fabric surface – which gets released whenever the cloth is moved/rubbed. So, you get a delightful burst of fragrance every time you fold your sleeves/ adjust your dupatta. Since the fragrance is locked & long-lasting, you won’t need to use as much perfume or cologne to smell great all day.
The product variants are available in pack sizes of 18 ml sachet up to 2L and start from a minimal price point of just Rs.4/-. Wipro Softouch 2X French Perfume Fabric Conditioner is available across AP & Telangana outlets. It can also be found on key e-commerce websites. For more information on the range, can visit www.wiproconsumercare.com/softouch-2x-french-perfume/