365Telugu.com online news,August 12th,2023: Independence Day 2023: India is going to complete 76 years of independence. On 15th August 1947 we all got freedom from British rule.
This freedom did not come easily to us. India got this freedom from the British with blood and sweat. The names of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel were first included in this freedom struggle.

However, this struggle is incomplete without women. Yes, women played an important role in India’s independence. Although it was easier for men to participate in these movements, it was more difficult for women. Participating in the movement meant breaking with many of society’s archaic practices.
Breaking all these shackles, Sarojini Naidu, Bhikaji Kama and Savitri Bai Phule participated equally with men in this freedom struggle. Not only this, but at a time when women were veiled, these women united heaven and earth in liberating the nation. Let’s know about all of them in detail.
Sarojini Naidu spoke about women’s rights
The name of Sarojini Naidu, known as the cuckoo, has gone down in history. She became the first woman president of the Indian National Congress. After that it became easier to fight for women’s rights.
Sarojini Naidu has made women aware of the atrocities taking place in the society. Apart from this, he actively participated in the freedom movements. It has a deep interest not only in independence and politics, but also in writing. Sarojini Naidu also wrote many famous books during her lifetime.

Indian women freedom fighter Bhikaji Kama also played an important role in this freedom struggle. Bhikaji Kama was the first woman to fly the Indian flag abroad. After this, their influence was seen in other women as well.
The number of women in the movement increased. Indian women’s freedom fighter Bhikaji Cama has been away from India for 33 years due to illness. However, her dream of independence remained intact.
Savitri Bai Phule was the first female teacher of the country
Who does not know the name Savitribai Phule? She was recognized as the first female teacher in the country. He only lit the light of education for women in the society. Savitri Bai Phule played a vital role in the journey of Indian women’s movement. After that there were many struggles in the society regarding education. In 1848, India’s first girls’ school was established in Pune, Maharashtra.

The name of the woman who fought for freedom at a young age was Usha Mehta. She was one of the youngest participants in the freedom struggle. He was only 8 years old at that time. Usha Mehta also participated in the Simon Go Back protest. Not only that, he dropped out of education and devoted himself completely to the freedom struggle.