365Telugu.com online news,June 14th,2023: Donating blood is considered a great gift. Because it saves one’s life. The researchers said that blood donation not only saves the patient’s life but also does a lot of good. A study has shown that people who donate blood regularly have a lower risk of heart disease.
World Blood Donor Day is celebrated on June 14 every year to promote blood donation worldwide with the aim of raising awareness about safe blood donation and thanking voluntary blood donors.

The World Health Organization says that if you are in good health, you can donate blood. Although it also has some criteria. In some cases, doctors do not recommend donating blood. Because..? This causes problems for both the donor and the recipient.
It is important to follow the national eligibility guidelines before donating blood. For this, information about your health, diseases, age, when you last donated blood is required. To donate blood, you must be between 18-65 years of age, younger or older people cannot donate blood.
There are some other situations in which blood should not be donated. Let’s find out about this.
People with recent piercings or tattoos, or skin piercings, should not donate blood for at least four months. The main reason for this is to prevent the transmission of hepatitis virus.
Do not donate blood if you have piercings or tattoos, skin piercing or skin removal.
You should not donate blood if you have recently had an illness that requires treatment with antibiotics. People who have completed a course of antibiotics in the last seven days or have any type of infection in the last two weeks should not donate blood. Because there may be some infection in the blood. There may be a risk of transmitting it to the recipient through blood donation.

Blood should not be donated in such situations.
Circumstances not to donate blood
If you have had hepatitis or jaundice in the past year.. are being treated for cancer.. are taking antibiotics for acne or any infection.. Don’t donate blood.You should donate blood only after 3 months. The gap between two blood donations should be at least 90 days.