365telugu.com online news,Andhra Pradesh, July 18, 2022: Andhra Pradesh CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy chaired a meeting with district collectors and officials of flood-affected areas and reviewed the preparations and relief works. He held meeting with the district collectors of the 6 affected districts including Eluru, East Godavari, Alluri Sitarama Raju, Dr BR Ambedkar Konaseema and West Godavari at secretariat, on Monday. The officials briefed CM Jagan Mohan Reddy that the flood water has receded considerably, and relief measures have been initiated in affected districts.
“Relief programs need to be stepped up. All the district collectors and officials have to take up responsibility and ensure no loss of life,” CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy instructed the officials.
The Chief Minister also instructed officials to provide Rs 2,000 to all households in the next 48 hours. In addition, the CM has instructed them to provide 25 Kgs of rice, jaggery, potatoes, onions, palm oil to the households within 48 hours.
“Distribution of ration should be intensified in every affected village. After reorganization of districts, you have more manpower than previous years. The village and ward Secretariat system is at your disposal. Relief programs should be taken up on war-footing,” CM Jagan Mohan Reddy, noted.
The CM also highlighted that financial assistance of Rs 2,000 has never been given in the past. The CM said that if there is a need, continue the relief camps across the districts and provide sufficient water and food at the camps. He also ordered officials to treat the affected families on a humanitarian approach. Expressing grief over loss of life, CM Jagan Mohan Reddy instructed officials to provide immediate compensation to the affected family.
Noting the loss of crops, especially with the Kharif season just beginning, the CM has ordered officials to estimate crop and property damage within 10 days of the flood water receding. He has also asked officials to pay special attention to pregnant women.
“Move pregnant women to hospitals if needed. Ensure the availability of medical officers, and specialists. Infections due to floods are common and can prevail. Keep strict vigilance on the diseases. Continue chlorination in all the affected areas and provide clean drinking water to all these areas. Provide sanitation services to flood-affected areas from outlying districts,” CM Jagan Mohan Reddy, said.