365telugu.com online news,Delhi, 29th January, 2022: Marching ahead in tune with National Education Policy (NEP), Government has decided to provide increasing focus on value-based education enabling children to develop pride in rich culture and heritage of this nation, effective leadership with character, discipline, sense of national duty and patriotism through setting up of 100 new Sainik Schools under Sainik Schools Society, Ministry of Defence in partnership with Private Schools/NGOs/States.
Towards this end, applications were invited for joining the initiative only through the web portal https://sainikschool.ncog.gov.in. Presently, 284 schools have registered therein and the evaluation for identifying prospective partners is underway for the academic session 2022-23. In view of the response to this initiative and the need for finalising the evaluation in a time bound manner, it is now being considered to close the receipt of further applications. Accordingly, closing date for any fresh registrations on the web portal https://sainikschool.ncog.gov.in is 31 January 2022. No fresh registrations will be accepted after 31 January 2022 as the portal will be closed for this purpose for the academic session 2022-23.