365Telugu.com online news,Amaravati, 15th February 2023: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Jagan inaugurated 20 tourist police stations in the major tourist and spiritual places from his camp office in Tadepalli on Tuesday.
“We are starting another good program under the police department. Unlike in the past, many good reforms are being implemented, which has never happened before like women police available at the village level through secretariats. Zero FIR has been made available for the first time in the state,” said Chief Minister Jagan.
“We are also setting up a receptionist at the police stations to stand with the complainants. Further, Disha App has crossed over 1 Crore 20 Lakh downloads.

Once the person presses the SOS button, within five or ten minutes, the police officer will respond like an elder brother and a younger brother to help. They call and ask for information.. If they do not respond on the phone, they go there themselves and stand by them.,” he added.
“As part of such changes, today we are setting up tourist police stations in 20 tourist and spiritual areas,” said CM Jagan. Speaking on the security of the people visiting tourist areas and spiritual places, he said the department has identified key locations and set up kiosks that are connected to the local police station.
Each kiosk is designed to have around 6 staff working in two shifts. They are supervised by an officer of the rank of SI or ASI. A dedicated telephone number will also be displayed for anyone in distress.
All the staff are given a special telephone number, radio set, first aid box, map of the area, emergency telephone numbers, and vehicles, said the Chief Minister.

He added that the government is taking necessary measures to ensure that the tourists and pilgrims in the area are safe. Henceforth, these tourist police stations will start working towards providing the necessary assurance for a fearless stay in tourist areas and spiritual areas.
“All these steps have been taken to ensure women’s safety and not cause any inconvenience to the tourists in the area. It will also stand as another golden chapter in the police department,” said CM Jagan.He said, “Half of the staff working in tourist police stations are women who can help the women in distress.”