365Telugu.com online news,February 22,2024 :On February 20th, 2024, Aaryajanani conducted a community outreach programme in Nalgonda, Telangana. The programme was organised by Dasarath Garu, a devotee of Ramakrishna Math.
With the support of Nalgonda Ramakrishna Seva Samithi and local organisers, more than 300 pregnant mothers gathered together for a 2-hour session on pregnancy care and conscious parenting.
The session consisted of a scientific presentation on prenatal awareness, yoga, bhajans, guided meditation, mantra chanting, and a pregnancy lifestyle session.
The Aaryajanani team members were Smt. Niharika, Smt. Vrushali, and Smt. Madhavi. After the programme, lunch was sponsored by Dr. Vittal, a general physician, for all the attendees, and nutrition boxes sponsored by Aaryajanani were distributed to more than 300 pregnant mothers.
Our sincere appreciation goes to Dasarath Garu and other organisers for their support and contribution towards the cause of Aaryajanani. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in making the event a success.