365Telugu.com online news,National, November 30,2024: The Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) actively participated in the “Bharat Ka Share Bazar” pavilion organized by SEBI at the India International Trade Fair (IITF) 2024, held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. This pavilion, part of SEBI’s initiative, serves as a platform to educate visitors about investment opportunities and the functioning of the securities market.
The IITF, an annual event held from November 14 to 27, attracts lakhs of visitors each year, including a significant number of youth. AMFI has been a consistent participant in this pavilion for the past three years, joining hands with SEBI and other stakeholders to promote investor awareness.

This year, AMFI set up a dedicated enclosure to share essential information about mutual fund investments. With the collaboration of 20 Asset Management Companies (AMCs), AMFI conducted engaging activities like quizzes, puzzles, presentations, and interactive sessions to provide visitors with a deeper understanding of mutual funds.
Additionally, AMFI organized two special programs on November 22 and 23, 2024:
- Champions of Investor Education and Awareness Awards 2024: These awards recognized outstanding contributions by academicians and professionals in promoting investor awareness. On November 22, six women academicians were honored, with renowned personal finance author Monika Halan as the chief guest.
- On November 23, the event featured Shri M. S. Sahoo, former Whole Time Member of SEBI and first Chairperson of IBBI, as the chief guest, and Shri Venkat N. Chalasani, Chief Executive of AMFI, as the guest of honor. Contributions of industry stalwarts such as Shri G. P. Garg and Shri K. S. Rao were also acknowledged. Dr. Santosh Kumar, a wellness expert and Associate Professor at AIIMS Rishikesh, emphasized the link between physical and financial well-being.

The AMFI enclosure attracted thousands of visitors, contributing to the pavilion’s success. This year, “Bharat Ka Share Bazar” received the prestigious Gold Medal for “Public Communication and Outreach” from ITPO, the IITF organizing body.