365Telugu.Com,Online News, India,14th ,March, 2020 : Amgoth Tukaram had a meeting with Hon Nick Wakeling MP, Shadow Minister for Ageing, Child Protection, Industrial Relations & Workplace Safety. The Minister welcomed Tukaram with a Namaste and mentioned it is the way to greet especially in these times of Coronavirus pandemic.Tukaram scaled the Mt Kosciuszko, the highest peak in Australia on 10th March and appealed from the summit to support the communities and wildlife affected by the recent catastrophic bushfires. The Minister greatly appreciated the adventures of Tukaram and welcomed him for a visit to the Victorian Parliament on his next visit. He was so impressed to know Tukaram acheived so much at such a young age.
The Minister very patiently listened to the adventures of Tukaram and he in turn explained the history of Mt Kosciuszko and mentioned the mountain was named after a polish army general. He also explained the structure of Victorian Parliament and showed Tukaram various pics of the Parliament house. He also shared the details of his last Indian trip and his visit to Indian Parliament.
Tukaram also presented the Minister with a souvenir on Statue of Equality project and invited him to visit the project on his next visit India. The Minister was very impressed to know about the Statue of Equality Project and expressed keenness to visit the Project. Tukaram was joined by liberal party leader Rampal Reddy and JET Helpings Hands President Satya Ramadugu.