365Telugu.com online news,Tirumala, 28 December 2024: The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) has received a remarkable donation of Rs. 55 lakh in just 50 days through kiosk machines, announced EO Sri J. Syamala Rao.
Speaking to the media after the ‘Dial Your EO’ event at Annamaiah Bhavan in Tirumala, he explained that self-operated online payment kiosks have been installed at the Matrusri Tarigonda Vengamamba Anna Prasadam Complex in Tirumala. These kiosks allow devotees to make donations ranging from Re.1 to Rs.1 lakh to the SV Anna Prasada Trust of TTD.

The machines have proven successful, with Rs. 55 lakh donated to the Anna Prasadam Trust within 50 days. In addition to Tirumala, kiosk machines have been introduced at the Sri Padmavati Ammavari Temple in Tiruchanoor, Kodanda Rama Temple in Vontimitta, and Srivari Temple in Bangalore. In just 15 days, these kiosks generated Rs. 5 lakh in donations.
Today, a new kiosk mission was launched at Sri Vakulamatha Temple near Peruru. Plans are underway to extend the kiosk donation system to Srivari temples in Vijayawada, Chennai, and Hyderabad next week.

Currently, the kiosks are exclusively set up for donations to the Anna Prasadam Trust. In the near future, TTD plans to introduce cashless payment options for all services at its temples.