365Telugu.com Online News,December26,Hyderabad: Christmas and New Year preparations have begun in full swing as the city is picking up momentum to bid farewell to the year that has gone by. Fabcafe by Fabindia, Hyderabad, over the span of this year has ensured that they offer the best to their loyal guests and patrons!. This December indulge in gooey and tasty yet healthy organic desserts at your favourite cafe, Fabcafe, Hyderabad as we are offering two exclusive “Desserts”,“Himalayan Honey & Walnut Tart” and the “Fabcafe Chocolate Cake” this festive season. The mouth-watering moist and rich ‘Fabcafe Chocolate Cake’ is prepared with a mixture of almond flour; house made desi ghee and coconut sugar. There’s also an option to add a scoop of mixed berry ice cream to add that extra zing. The delicious ‘Himalayan Honey & Walnut Tart’ is a mixture of Himalayan walnuts & jaggery, drizzled with honey – perfect healthy desserts for winters! . Enjoy it with our steaming hot cup of ‘Tulsi Ginger Turmeric Tea’ made with ginger, servia and tulsi.This festive season don’t forget to drop in at Fabcafe, Hyderabad (Banjara Hills or Gachibowli) to pamper yourself and your friends guilt free!!
Address (both outlets):
Banjara Hills – Fabcafe by Fabindia, Amudi Nagar, Bhola Nagar, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.. Gachibowli – Fabcafe by Fabindia, Fab India experience centre Old Mumbai highway, Telecom Nagar Extension, Telecom Nagar, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Timing: Monday – Sunday: 8:30am –10:30pm, Cost for two – Rs. 1400.