365Telugu.com online news,New Delhi, March 8th, 2025: HDFC Bank, in collaboration with the Indian Army and CSC Academy, has renewed its Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to expand Project NAMAN – A Tribute to Veterans to 26 additional Directorate of Indian Army Veterans (DIAV) locations.

This initiative aims to provide essential services and support to Army Veterans, their families, and next of kin.

Under this expansion, Common Service Centres (CSCs) will be set up at these new locations, operated by Army Veterans, their families, or next of kin. These centers will offer pension-related assistance, Government-to-Citizen (G2C) services, and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) services within defence establishments, ensuring easy access to vital resources.

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The MoU was renewed as a tripartite agreement between HDFC Bank Limited (under its Parivartan programme), the Indian Army’s Directorate of Indian Army Veterans (DIAV), and CSC Academy.

The agreement was signed by Mr. Satyen Modi, Executive Vice President & Business Head – Alternate Banking Channels & Partnerships, HDFC Bank, Mr. Pravin Chandekar, CEO – CSC Academy, and a Brigadier representing DIAV.

The ceremony was attended by key dignitaries, including Ms. Smita Bhagat, Group Head – HDFC Bank, Mr. Sanjay Rakesh, Chairman – CSC Academy, Lieutenant General (DG DC&W) – Indian Army, along with senior officials from HDFC Bank and the Indian Army.

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The first phase of Project NAMAN was launched in September 2023 with 14 DIAV locations. Now, in the second phase, the project will expand to 26 DIAV locations across Rajasthan, West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, Meghalaya, Bihar, Odisha, and New Delhi.

As part of HDFC Bank’s Parivartan programme, this initiative aims to drive economic inclusivity for Army Veterans and their families. In addition to essential services, the CSCs will offer skill development and financial training, empowering veterans and their kin to achieve financial independence.

To support them during the initial transition, individuals managing these CSCs will receive a monthly monetary grant for 12 months.

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This initiative reinforces HDFC Bank’s commitment to honoring and empowering India’s veterans by ensuring easy access to financial and government services, promoting self-reliance, and creating new opportunities for the veteran community.