365Telugu.com Online News, May 24th, 2023: Weight gain is one of the common problems nowadays. This can be due to many reasons such as lifestyle or dietary habits or several underlying health issues. Many times excess weight is considered a thyroid problem. But if the thyroid really gain weight every time it is definitely a common symptom of thyroid problem, but every time you may not necessarily be obese due to this disorder.

Thyroid problem is increasing rapidly all over the world. World Thyroid Day is celebrated on 25th May every year with the aim of creating awareness among people about it and telling about prevention methods. This problem can occur at any age, so it is essential for everyone to be aware of it and follow preventive measures.

Weight problem..

Thyroid hormone regulates metabolism. Metabolic problems can affect weight. Weight gain is common in people with an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism).Hormones released by the thyroid gland help regulate metabolism so that the body can better use food for energy. When your thyroid produces less hormone, your metabolism slows down. In such a situation, you may gain weight if you do not burn calories.

Weight can also be reduced..

A thyroid disorder can cause weight gain as well as weight loss. Hyperthyroidism, a type of thyroid disorder in which the thyroid gland starts releasing too many hormones, can cause you to lose a lot of weight, shake your hands, and have a fast or irregular heartbeat. Weight gain and weight loss are both related to thyroid disorders.

Thyroid disorder is not the only cause of weight gain.

However, it is also wrong to think that a thyroid disorder is the cause of weight gain or loss. There are many other causes of weight gain, it is necessary to know the correct causes and treat them. Weight gain occurs when your caloric intake is high. But you’re better off burning calories through physical activity.

Genetics can also be a factor in weight gain or loss. Health conditions such as illness and medication can also cause weight gain or loss. Stress and lack of sleep are also linked to weight problems.

How to prevent thyroid disorder..?

Health experts say that weight can be controlled by preventing thyroid disorders, and for this, there are a few things to keep in mind. If you are a smoker, quit smoking. Ensure balance of selenium and iodine in diet.

Get regular checkups as per your doctor’s advice. If someone in your family already has a thyroid disorder, you are also at risk of developing it. Consult a doctor about the prevention of this problem.