365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad, November 9th,2024 : The Andhra Pradesh coalition government has unveiled its second list of nominated positions, with several key posts being allocated to the Jana Sena party. These nominations cover a wide range of welfare corporations, development boards, and urban development authorities, showcasing the party’s increasing influence in the state’s governance.

The Jana Sena party has been entrusted with the responsibility of promoting welfare programs and overseeing the development of communities such as the Kapu, Kshatriya, Mala, and Agnikula, among others. The nominated leaders are expected to play pivotal roles in driving the state government’s developmental agenda while addressing the specific needs of their respective communities.

Positions Allocated to Jana Sena in the Second Nominated List:
AP East Coastal Kapu Welfare and Development Corporation

Palavala Yashaswi (Srikakulam – Jana Sena)
This position will focus on the welfare and development of the Kapu community in the eastern coastal region of Andhra Pradesh, with particular emphasis on education, employment, and social empowerment.
AP Agnikula Kshatriya Welfare and Development Corporation

Chilakalapudi Paparao (Repalle – Jana Sena)
The Agnikula Kshatriya community’s welfare will be at the forefront of this role, focusing on ensuring the community’s social and economic development.
AP Medical Services Infrastructure Development Corporation

Chillapalli Srinivasa Rao (Jana Sena)
With a focus on improving the medical infrastructure in the state, this position will involve enhancing healthcare facilities and ensuring better access to medical services, especially in rural areas.
APSRTC Regional Board Chairman (Vijayawada Zone)

Reddy Appala Naidu (Jana Sena)
A significant role in overseeing the functioning of the Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) for the Vijayawada zone, with an emphasis on improving transport services and addressing issues related to public transport.
Anantapur-Hindupur Urban Development Authority

TC Varun (Anantapur – Jana Sena)
The development of urban infrastructure in the Anantapur-Hindupur region will be managed by this position, ensuring that the cities in this region receive the necessary upgrades in terms of infrastructure, housing, and public amenities.
Kakinada Urban Development Authority

Tummala Ramaswamy (Kakinada – Jana Sena)
Responsible for the overall development and urban planning of Kakinada, this role will focus on enhancing urban living conditions, promoting smart city initiatives, and improving connectivity and public services.
Srikakulam Urban Development Authority

Korikana Ravikumar (Srikakulam – Jana Sena)
Overseeing the growth and development of the urban areas in Srikakulam, with a focus on improving infrastructure, waste management, and sustainable urban planning.
AP Kshatriya Welfare and Development Corporation

V. Suryanarayana Raju (Kanakaraju Suri) (Bhimavaram – Jana Sena)
This position will focus on the welfare of the Kshatriya community in the state, working towards their economic and educational advancement, along with addressing social welfare needs.
AP State Kapu Welfare and Development Corporation

Kottapalli Subbarayudu (Narasapuram – Jana Sena)
The welfare of the Kapu community across the state will be handled by this role, ensuring better access to government schemes, empowerment programs, and community development initiatives.
AP Mala Welfare Cooperative Finance Corporation Limited

Dr. Pedapudi Vijay Kumar (Ongole – Jana Sena)
Tasked with improving the economic well-being of the Mala community, this position will focus on providing financial support, promoting entrepreneurship, and facilitating better access to loans and financial schemes.
Strategic Importance of These Appointments:
The allocation of these positions to Jana Sena members reflects the party’s growing prominence in the coalition government. With leaders appointed to key welfare corporations and urban development authorities, Jana Sena aims to ensure that the development needs of the state’s diverse communities are addressed.

These appointments also align with the party’s broader agenda of social and economic upliftment, particularly of marginalized communities. Jana Sena is likely to focus on the implementation of welfare schemes that target the upliftment of specific communities, as well as infrastructure development projects that improve living standards across Andhra Pradesh.

Furthermore, these positions also hold significant political weight, with Jana Sena securing a foothold in crucial development bodies. These leaders will play a pivotal role in shaping the state’s development trajectory, particularly in rural and semi-urban regions, as well as in ensuring that their respective communities receive adequate representation in the government’s welfare programs.

As the state heads towards further development, the role of Jana Sena in the coalition government will likely grow, particularly in areas related to social justice, infrastructure development, and community welfare.