365Telugu.Com Online News, January 7, Hyderabad: is hosting the 3rd edition of Saree Run for the first time in Hyderabad on Sunday, 12th January 2020. After its successful run in Bangalore consecutively in 2018 and 2019, The Saree Run by Taneira in association with Pinkathon comes to Hyderabad! The run will be heralded by the Ultraman, Milind Soman. A handcrafted saree brand from the house of TATAs, Taneira has always celebrated the spirit of Indian women, who believe in their choices and personality. ‘The Saree Run’ is a unique initiative by Taneira where women across ages, life stages and walks of life come together for a 3 kilometer run to show that nothing holds them back in their journey towards a better version of themselves. With the theme of #Don’tHoldBack, the Saree Run will begin with an energetic warm-up Zumba session. Taneira’s team will assist the participants with a comfortable saree drape for the event allowing them to run carefree.
Sunday, 12th January, 7 AM ,
@ Jalavihar Ground, 22/9, Necklace Rd, Hussain Sagar, Khairtabad, Hyderabad, Telangana 500063.
RSVP Srishti Talwar – 9899939150 .