365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad,24 Jan, 2024: LG Electronics, a consumer durable major in India, today, announced the winner of lucky draw campaign ‘Makar Sakranti.
The mega consumer offer was organised to mark the 26th anniversary of LG Electronics in India. The lucky winner Mr YARRAGUNTLA RAMAKRISHNA from Hyderabad has won an OLED TV worth Rs. 269990
This campaign gives an opportunity to consumers to win LG 4K Televisions by participating in the “Makar Sakranti” contest. Lucky consumers can win LG OLED TVs.
It was a thrilling moment for the winner, Mr. Yarraguntla Ramakrishna couldn’t believe his luck when first informed about it. He thanked and lauded LG electronics for being trustworthy and transparent in conducting such activities.
Commenting on the occasion Mr. Sashi Kiran Rao (Regional Business Head) & Mr. Jeevan Kommineni – Branch Manager LG Electronics India, said, “Our heartfelt congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to all the participants.
We are pleased that “Makar Sakranti Lucky Draw” has been receiving an overwhelming response amongst consumers.
Campaigns such as these not only help us engage with our loyal customers, but also, allow us to introduce innovative technology into their lifestyles.
We are humbled and delighted with the trust that consumers have placed in Brand LG for the past 26 years.”
LG is driven to share innovative technologies with the customers through various services and hopes that through such offers, it will keep the customers excited to experience the best technology it has to offer.