365Telugu.com online news,New Delhi, July 9, 2024:Reaffirming its commitment to offer enhanced peace of mind to its customers, Maruti Suzuki India Limited (MSIL) has announced significant enhancements to its warranty programmes for all its vehicles.

The standard warranty, previously 2 years or 40,000 km*, has been enhanced to 3 years or 1,00,000 km(whichever is earlier). The enhanced standard warranty programme will be applicable on all vehicles delivered from July9th,2024,onwards.

The enhanced standard warranty provides long-lasting coverage for the engine, transmission, mechanical components, electrical and air conditioning systems excluding consumables#.

This assures agreater peace of mind to customers, as they get access to free repairs at any of Maruti Suzuki’s authorized service centres across the country throughout the warranty period.

Additionally, the company has also expanded the scope of its extended warranty packages and has introduced extended warranty option to cover the vehicle for up to 6 years or 1,60,000 km (whichever is earlier). Customers can now choose from three extended warranty packages:

  • Platinum Package: Customers can avail extended warranty up to 4th year/1,20,000 km(whichever is earlier)
  • Royal Platinum Package: Customers can choose extended warranty up to
    5th year/1,40,000 km (whichever is earlier)
  • Solitaire Package: Customers can avail extended warranty up to 6th year/1,60,000 km(whichever is earlier)

As a customer friendly initiative, Maruti Suzuki has also expanded the extended warranty coverage of 11 high value parts which were earlier limited to the duration of standard warranty.

Speaking on the initiative, Mr. Partho Banerjee, Senior Executive Officer, Marketing & Sales, MSIL, said, “At Maruti Suzuki, we strive to have customers for life. In line with this commitment, we have enhanced our standard warranty coverage to 3 years or 1,00,000 km to provide greater value to our customers.

Furthermore, we have introduced extended warranty packages for up to 6 years or 1,60,000 km and revised the scope of 4th year and 5th year extended warranty packages.

Theenhanced standard warranty and updated extended warranty packages will offer our customers added convenience and peace of mind, ultimately enhancing their overall ownership experience.”

The company’s decision to increase the standard warranty period is reflective of its trust on advanced engineering and robust product quality that assure the customers a reliable driving experience.These enhancements are part of Maruti Suzuki’s ongoing efforts to deliver exceptional value and assurance to its customers.

For more information on the enhanced standard warranty and the extended warranty options, customers are encouraged to visit any of Maruti Suzuki’s authorized dealerships or the official website:https://www.marutisuzuki.com .

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